Smile Correction: Is it Painful?

Smile correction is a relatively painless procedure done under local anesthesia. Learn more about the pain associated with smile correction and how to control it.

Smile Correction: Is it Painful?

Smile correction is a relatively painless procedure, as it is done under local anesthesia. You won't feel any pain during the surgery, but you may experience some discomfort and pain afterwards. The amount of pain you feel depends on the amount of gum tissue that needs to be removed and the technique used in the procedure. If a scalpel is used, sutures will be needed, and the recovery time will be longer.

To minimize discomfort after surgery, many dentists today choose to use lasers, which often don't require cuts or sutures and can speed up recovery time. Swelling and discomfort are inevitable, but there are ways to control them. The vast majority of patients describe the sensation experienced during surgery as nothing more than a slight pressure on the eye. In many cases, even this sensation is largely omitted, thanks to the use of anesthetic eye drops.